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#MeToo in Japan: The woman speaking out against rape

In 2015, she was a journalism intern looking her big break.
She went to a restaurant to discuss a job opportunity with her boss from the Tokyo Broadcasting System.

But she claims that he then drugged and raped her.

Our perspective guest today is the women’s rights campaigner, Shiori Ito, who joins us now live from London.

Thank you very much for being with us here on France 24.

First of all, this must clearly have been a very brave decision to make three years ago to come out and accuse such a high-profile biographer/journalist, but you were adamant that this story had to be told.


Yes, because I think no one wants to share such a private and horrific experience of rape, and I didn’t want to, but what I wanted to do is to change what I experienced afterwards in Japan.

There is so little help that we have in Japan socially and legally… and that is the main reason why I spoke out.


When you decided to come forward, you were met with somewhat of barrage of negativity of hate mail and public criticism.

How do you explain that negative reaction to your ordeal?


Well, culturally rape is quite (a) taboo topic and also it has strong stigma against rape victims.

So, I was aware what sort of reaction I’d get after speaking up, but I would say it was much more than I expected.

I got threats for my life, backlash, online violence and in the end I had to move to London away from my family.

So, it wasn’t easy things to do.


Your attacker… just talk about him very briefly.

Your attacker continues to deny all wrongdoings in this whole affair but have your claims, given that he’s so high-profile, have your claims changed people’s perceptions of him in Japan?


Umm, I feel that Yes, there is (a) positive change slowly, but surely in Japan as well after the #MeToo movement as well.

What I wanted to do to speak out is to be able to create the space to be able to talk about such a sensitive topic, and It’s been quite taboo topic to talk about even in Japanese media, and media is one of the male dominated industry we have in Japan.

But I think it’s slowly is changing.



But has your attacker faced any kind of backlash in the way that Harvey Weinstein did in Hollywood?


Could you say repeat again?


Yeah, has your attacker faced any kind of backlash in Japan in the way in the way that Harvey Weinstein did in Hollywood?
(ちなみに Harvey Weinsteinは何年か前に婦女暴行罪で問題になったアメリカのディレクター)


Umm, I’m not sure what he has received.
I haven’t been communicated things with him.
But I believe so but this entire reality and what I spoke out is I didn’t do this to accuse him.
Of course, he should this is not my work to do.

It should have been
 if our social and legal system was working properly, I didn’t have to do anything.

So why the reason why I’m speaking out is to ask Japan and Japanese society what we’re missing.



You have of course been campaigning as you’ve been saying, for the actual terminology about the the word rape or sexual assault in criminal law in Japan to be changed.

Talk us through and explain to us why that terminology is currently so confusing?


Umm, so well we used to have since last year we had hundred-ten years of rape law, so before if you rape someone, you would go to jail 3 years and if you steal something, you would go to jail 5 years so, you know, object were more worse than women.

So it has changed.
it is making a progress but it’s just culturally socially it’s quite taboo topic for woman to speak up about sexual violence.



But has in you view anything changed in Japan since the Harvey Weinstein scandal?

Is it now more easy for women to come forward and say, you know what, I’ve been raped, I’ve been sexually abused?



I haven’t yet heard a big #MeToo movement when it comes to rape, but there was one very brave female reporter who talked about her sexual harassment anonymously.

The reason why we have to cover our identity is because we’ve been often targeted and I have to say #MeToo movement to say me too is quite dangerous in Japan.

So we came up to say “We too” so no one can target me, or individual.
Okay, Shiori Ito in London, thank you very much.



Author: Noreen

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