カリフォルニアでの犯罪率は歴史的に見れば下がっているものの、依然としてその数値が高いことは否定できません。PUBLIC POLICY INSTITUTE of CALIFORNIAによれば、2017年の窃盗犯罪(property crime)は1.5%上昇したものの、これは1980年代のひどさに比べればマシなようです。 住人10万人あたりで451件の被害があります。
Hi there. I’m so excited to tell you about this funny press release. The Japanese biggest(and most famous) condom company decided to provide such a crazy condom – art condom.
One of the design, they have Japanese traditional art like Utagawa Kunisada’s portrait of a kabuki actor in the role of samurai Kudo Suketsune, and The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai. The below is one of the design.
OKAMOTO INDUSTRIES,INC. is the company that has No.1 share of producing condoms in Japan and they have tried to sell unique condoms so far. Like 0.01mm condoms. (I assume it’s made in Japan, so you know, it’s definitely Japanese quality! Let’s try.)
And this time, they produced 2 kinds of condoms, the one – the condoms that has VivaGel, and designed condoms.
In Japan, there’s a problem that about 70% of people have had sex without condoms and also there’re the people who don’t put condoms at all(22.2%). It’s over 1/5!!
Thus, it is said that there was a pandemic of syphilis in Japan. The number of infected syphilis people has been growing from 2013 and in 2018, the number reported as 6,923 people has syphilis.
Moreover, naturally, the number of HIV/AIDS also is getting high like 1,288 people have the disease.
In my opinion, it’s there’s more and more people who have that kinds of disease because it’s not so common to take the test for it in Japan.
So, the company Okamoto Industries, Inc. develop a critical feeling about it, and decide to produce the new product. And they are also aiming at the increasing demands of stuffs for people from abroad since we have Tokyo Olympic in 2020.
Design condoms
This is the condoms that can be printed on it. They will go on sale this summer. Currently planed to be printing Japanese traditional art and some various others.
窓際には2〜3の席があるので、ここでコーヒーを注文すればこの反吐が出るガムの壁を見ながら一息つけます。GoogleMapsのレビューで一番笑ったレビューは「Nice staff, good coffee, and a view of the disgusting gumwall.」。中の様子はこんな感じ。
彼は癌を扱うOncologyという科にいます。これは内科の一部。アメリカにもいわゆる内科(Internal medicine department)はありますし、そこに一般的な内科の面倒を見る内科医(Internist)がいますが、例えば癌のような特殊な病気にはそれぞれ専門性を持った医者が対応します。